Do you have any of those places where you keep going every summer since you have been a teenager? Well, yeah, without your parents … with your mates or your girlies? The ‘remember that’ place? The place where you promised yourself every single night to stay awake till the sunrise but never managed? The place where you were going to even if you didn’t have any money for a beer, not talking about a train ticket?

For us it was Vama. Vama Veche. It’s the very last point on the Romanian Black Sea coast before Bulgaria. That’s why it’s vama – a Romanian word for customs. The old one, sound even better 😛 So you guys should go there! Skip all the fancy resorts starting past Constanta and get off the train at its dead-end. Just for the record, please board a ‘personal train’ from Bucharest, please do :P,  at least you’ll have a full picture of the experience. Well ‘personal’ sounds fancy, ain’t it? 😛

…Yeah, and we never managed to see a sunrise … for years … and then it happened, out of the blue. There is time for everything, right? So I’m giving you all the pix, as many as I have, even if most of them are the same… That was a magnificent one of a morning!

… Oh, did I tell you, you should camp, so don’t book anything 😛





Now after you have seen it, come back for the festivals!