I asked a traveler who had been traveling in Ethiopia for a few months which was his favourite city in this country and he said Bahir Dar, so I decided to go and see it. There are not many urban areas in Ethiopia, so this place is one of the few such places. Little did I know then that this city is not far from the origins of the Blue Nile. More than that, the heart-shaped lake Tana was juuuust aside of Bahir Dar.

The beautiful Blue Nile falls were full with water … Not so blue, but roaring powerfully.

This tiny river was much more blue, but that’s not the Blue Nile… It was just aside, unknown …

On the lake Tana, on the boat, set to see the monasteries …


You can rent a bicycle in Bahir Dar and cycle to King Selassie palace. The palace itself is nothing special, but the way to it is very beautiful.


Bahir Dar is a quiet place with friendly people. I loved the sunsets and the fish!