Chobe National Park is situated in the north of Botswana. It is very easy to get there from Livingstone (Zambia). Don’t miss it out if ever in Livingstone. From the center of the town take a local shared taxi to Kazungula, the crossing point over Zambezi river. Imagine that 4 countries come together in this area, namely Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia and Botswana. The ferry will take about 10-15 minutes to bring you to the other side. Pass immigration control and  take a shared mini-bus running into Kasane, where you will have a variety of safari tour companies.

Tours are affordable and varied. You won’t face those overpriced fees as in Kenya or Tanzania. Both river boat and land safaris are available. Camping is possible in the park in special dedicated areas. For an overnight stay it is recommended to book a tour, as the guides would know better where to camp in the middle of the wildlife. Excited? Let’s get the stamp first.

I didn’t tell you yet? That river is teeming with crocodiles 😛

Africa is an experience, starting from  lines at the passport control till exchanging money (you will end up with PULA 😛 or KWATCHA in your pockets). It comes with the package, get local, feel the lifestyle! Smuggling is present as in any river immigration crossing point in the world.  It is funny to watch it happening in front of your eyes!

Once over the river you are in a national park! Nature is super classy!

And here we are, already meeting the park dwellers!


There are about 50 thousand elephants in Chobe. They rule here.

Gloria got chased away 😦

On the other side of Chobe river that’s already Namibia with its luxury lodges.

Camping near the river is a good idea. Imagine having a sunset drink watching the elephants roaming around! In the dark you may easily take an elephant for a house! Happened to me not once, quiet monsters!

There are many types of animals in Chobe. Apart from elephants you can spot gazelles, hippos, lions, cheetahs, buffaloes, giraffes, crocodiles and other types of wildlife.


After seeing all those amazing animals for the first time, we are on our way back to Livingstone to say goodbye to the waterfalls and the rainbows!

Next time I must get as far as Maun, there’s the amazing Okavango delta, with more wildlife and amazing landscape!