There are several islands around Dakar, the capital of Senegal. My favorite ones are  Goree and Ngor, lying on different sides of the Dakar “horn” (map) . Goree is all that fancy and touristic, whereas Ngor is more chilled out surfers spot. But don’t worry, both are seafood places, you’ll have a chance for a banquet!

Goree island used to be a stop on the Atlantic slave trade route, similar to Elmina Castle in Ghana and to many other castles along the Western African coastline, but not on such a big scale. Its architecture is very European, much of it being preserved from the 18th century.

The atmosphere is great. It it worth having a stop here. You wont need much time to stroll around, but take it slowly, reggae in the air!

Take a ferry from the north of Place de l’Independance. The island is about 2 km away from the mainland, it will take about 15-20 minutes to reach there. Actually it is not a bad idea to stay overnight, as accommodation is available on the island.

Senegalese are beautiful people, very tall and skinny. All of them should do modeling 🙂



Thiebou djenne is a Senegalese dish made of fish and rice. Local Senegalese rice looks chopped, small but soooooo tasty! They do it spicy, just perfect for a hot weather! Juices area another great thing in Senegal!  The three of them will be in every menu (but also made at home), namely bissap (hibiscus), bouye (baobab fruit) and gingembre (ginger).


Yeah, they had us buy those kashakas, I’m pretty sure you’ll end up having some after visiting Goree and you’ll be annoying your friends trying to do like this guy 🙂

Despite the small territory, Goree is also home to some giant baobab trees. It wouldn’t be fair for them to grow all over Senegal and to be missing in Goree. Unfortunately, I haven’t seen any in Ngor.


She is a Trinidadian girl. It was an emotional trip for her, as Goree past could share the destiny of her roots too …. but we will never know that.


The Slavery Monument was raised in commemoration of those who died on the slavery ships.



It is impossible to grow unartistic in Africa. That is natural sand collected from different deserts and beaches of the continent. It is used to create those amazing canvas. Pac-pac, in 2-3 minutes it’s ready. You would get one done for you even if you would be in a hurry.

…. Just another African ad about beer 🙂


Now one day there will be an African world champion team …. this game wouldn’t look that good without these guys! They know the rhythm … you know what I mean?

Senegalese do a lot of sports. Everybody wants to be a wrestler, it’s a national sport here. There is no gym, there is the beach. Watch them train and exercise along the coast, only using their body weight and maybe some elementary pullup bars.

Senegal has a lot to offer. The people are very hospitable and smiling. Visit, make friends, try some French 🙂 …… I know you hated it in school, but maybe you changed your mind with time!