It was getting dark in Marrakesh …. It was time to jam at Jemaa el Fnaa! This square is a living heritage of the desert: it dances, it sings, it feeds everybody, it thrills with stories, it’s magical! It looks like a bus station (which it actually used to be), where people are coming and going somewhere all the time, especially when the sun is going down…

Hey, I’m not sure if you will know where to start, just go with the flow! Let your mind swirl in the multitude of shows!


The desert has it all!


Yeah, it’s the cooking on fire! You must know that Moroccan cuisine is one of the finest and street food is nothing worse than the one served in fancy local restaurants. In fact, in Morocco don’t go to the fancy places, it’s just weird, in Morocco you should dine with the locals, it feels so much better! Oh, words can’t explain why, habibi!


I saw this little desert kid with his blackberry eyes … I could not resist to stop and compliment !!

Feel the rhythm of wings! Arabic belly dancing ?! Not in Jemma, here you watch the male dancers ! I prefer that!


Was just passing by and heard some noise … Was about to only change my bus here, but got carried away with the crowd …. you can’t underestimate Jemaa … it’s powerful, it’s beautiful, it’s messed up, it has all the things which are missing in the world, like fairy tales and magicians …. I was looking for them everywhere … they got stuck in Jemaa …. I think, for long!