You can have a bath in the calcium terraces of the white “cotton castle” in Denizli Province, south-west of Turkey.

This wonderful site is one of my favourite places I have visited so far.

Normally the access to the terraces is restricted out of precaution not to damage the pools. However, there are several specially dedicated ponds where you can have a bath. Shoes are not allowed on the travertines, mind the slippery surface…

If it is hot out there  – here it will be hotter, as the white surface will reflect the sun rays. Replenish the cream, and have a lip balm. I have seen some tourists with bloody cracked lips, eish summer …

Calcium terraces…. This place will make you rush to the dentist urgently:))

Pamukkale is on UNESCO heritage list. Yeah! An effort has been made to protect the site, as unsustainable tourism would have caused much damage to the natural pools (they’ve attempted to construct hotels right next to the travertines).

The terraces are not filled with water constantly. Also the color of the pools can differ depending on the time of the day.

Petrified waterfalls look puffy though!

The cliffs are overlooking the town ! The humidity in the air obstructs a good view, but on a clear day you can see for miles in the distance!

On top of the cliffs there are the ruins of Hierapolis, an ancient Roman spa town. Springs with amazingly clear water, called Cleopatra pools, have different medical benefits for the skin.

An ancient tomb rising in the middle of the calcium…

Although Hierapolis was damaged after an earthquake, the amphitheater survived.

The dusk at Pamukkale is splendid!

Cotton, ice cream or snow??