Imagine an endless coastline ….. a flat one …….. and the beat of lazy waves …. the ocean is taking its time, looks like it got tired sending tides to the shores. Now imagine Sahara, the dunes have reaches the sea ….. or the sea has depleted and left the sand to dry up into huge dunes.

We are talking a walk from the old town of Essaouira along the beach, heading to the ruins seen in the distance. Time has stopped here, we feel privileged to share the feeling of the place. Mornings are coldish and foggy, even though it is July. Beach football is a beloved passing time. Football is played big in Africa, from villages to crowded cities, from the early morning till the sunset.

I loved to see people enjoying themselves. Essaouira is super relaxed. There hardly can be a bother!

Hey! Camels on the beach!

We are in Morocco and we love it!


And the donkey leads the way. I have nothing to say! It has never been better than this!

Now why do I have to leave this place? It is not fair  …


See you sometimes soon, beautiful sun! And see you soon, Morocco!