It has been long since I last saw jacaranda trees. They blossom in October. October is my favourite month!

It’s a shame Google will only show you the famous cartoon called Madagascar (which I LOOOOOVE, but it’s not the point) … and never show you the island from the first try. I was asked many times where would I live … to be honest, right there, in Madagascar. In many ways that lifestyle would be far from what it is to live in a Western world, but the vibe is great. How shall I put it, the cartoon music is right, only that there are no animals there :)) As much as it is an island, its territory is big … bigger than France! Roads aren’t so great, definitely worth flying up and down the island, but the best part is that there are various landscapes all along and a diverse culture which comes with it! Lots of unique things in Magadascar! Like a loooot of them! Really!

So, lemme present the capital!

Antananarivo is a hectic place with lots of traffic and old cars, but right in the middle by the lake there are the purple trees! A wonderful discovery this one – jacarandas! Antananarivo was the place where I first have seen this beautiful tree. I am so happy everytime I see it ever after! You can see them in many places, especially in Australia, Buenos Aires, Pretoria (oh Pretoria is the best place to be in October) – mostly in the tropics and Southern Hemisphere during their spring (October-November)!

They speak those long words – their language is Malagasy, which sounds nice, yeah! They also speak French and there are mainly French tourists in this country! We met only them! Actually not so many tourists in general, Madagascar comes expensive when flying over …

Three Horse Beer is a local brand, you’ll get it everywhere… A good beer, truly so! The capital has a very vibrant choise when it comes to cuisine and places to go out! I loved being there! It tasted good, music was just the right one and people were funny and super smiling! Actually all over Madagascar they smile, man! All the time!


It was really hot in Madagascar! Sunsets were wooooownderful!




Next time I’ll take you to Pretoria … Their spring is on the way, so if you have a chance, book vacations in October!

Yeah, ppl should have vacations in October!