Mosi-oa-Tunya is the local name of Victoria Falls. It means the smoke that thunders, and truly so, it’s roaaaaaaring!

I was there in May, when the waterfall was full of water. It felt like raining everywhere near the fall, please don’t go without a raincoat!

So which side, which side is the most beautiful? I wanted to see both – the Zambian and the Zimbabwean side, but unfortunately then Zimbabwe immigration didn’t wanna gimme a visa on arrival, so the bridge was as far as I could go this time. But even if you see only half of the falls – it is worth it! Have a look!

I took a 6 h bus from Lusaka to Livingstone with Mazhandu Family Bus. Quite good buses in Zambia, I must say. The bus station in Livingstone is in a walkable distance to Jollyboys. Unfortunately the hotel was full,  but the guard walked me to Livingstone Backpackers – another hostel. 10$ a night, it was about that, comfy and nice staff!

They say you can see the smoke from Victoria Falls from a distance of 60-70 km away.

It is a place of rainbows! Sometimes you can count up to 6- 7 in one place, especially near the bridge!

These badass monkeys can’t wait for a new group of visitors to sneak smth from them! Don’t eat in front of them, don’t carry soda in your hands – they will snatch it all! You gonna scream and run, and they will run after you!

David Livingstone this is, the great explorer. He discovered the falls!

It is a great powerful place, full of positive energy! If you see it once, you would like to come back the next day and see it again!