After you have seen Dhaka, you start appreciating everything you have got! What these people are put through everyday is by far what you can imagine … There’s a lot of them trying to get a better life and escape from this place. Bangladeshi are amongst the workforce who have built the entire Middle East … and are still building it. Life abroad wouldn’t be a good one, but compared to what awaits them at home, they would accept any work conditions. And the bosses profit, because they know. Sometimes the bosses profit inhumanely …









Regardless of the point of view, Dhaka is a disaster in every possible term. I think only faith makes them go further and live. Things which seemed shocking to us – like a naked old woman lying in dirt on the street or barefoot people walking through broken glass and carrying heavy loads for miles – pass unnoticeable for them.


I have not seen any grumpy person though. It is a gift – to be smiling genuinely! We have to learn from them big time!




Pollution? Yes, every bit of it … plus humidity … In a way, Dhaka chaos made me think of Cairo … There should be a way to  change their reality, right? ….. It is overwhelming when you encounter it, face to face, like a BANG …

And the thing in their eyes  ….. it is shining!