San Francisco was one of the destinations I was coming back to regularly for over 3 years. This city is sophisticated enough to become a favorite to anybody: the Bohemian, the techie, the conservative and the ultra-libertine. For me it was the first place in the USA to visit and yes, it was just like in the movies and a bit more. There is a lot going on there, but it is going on in a chilled and smooth way, no rush, somehow.

There’s nothing new I could tell you about San Fran, as you probably would have already known everything about the American lifestyle. Yes, it is all true, as you know it, just like in movies 😛 A small tip: be aware of an evident micro-climate around the hills of San Francisco, summer may suddenly turn into autumn and vice verso …. And I bet you would love the sexy fog 🙂

Alcatraz –  I’ve seen it from the distance. Have not visited it because I’m not particularly attracted to prison visiting …

Cycling route from the Pier 39 till Sausalito and back – 37$

Every nation can find a piece of home here, starting from authentic food shops till hairdresser’s saloons. So do the Russian. This is the Holy Virgin Cathedral – Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia which is just in the heart of the city.

Here there are the relics of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco (Ivan Maximovici). The church is somewhere at the end of Geary Boulevard and it is easy to reach there by bus No. 8 from the Union Square.


Union Square

Halloween is the day, not that I would give it any significance, but it feels good when everybody is celebrating your birthday :)) and you are in San Francisco!

Pier 39 is the seals place.


I fell in love with the bridge … and the fog. That is the reason why I kept coming back! Not that there wouldn’t be other bridges and fogs around the world, but this place is one of those breathtaking destinations:)


Yeah, when you fall in love you can’t have enough ! Golden Gate Bridge crush!



There is a tiny charming town on the other side of the bridge, Sausalito.


Famous gay district

Romanian Dictionary Grafitti in the Mission Street area

That tram 🙂


Ocean Beach and the Great Highway Balboa Street

Cliff House view


Ocean Beach and the Great Highway Balboa Street

Seal Rocks

Lands End