South, at the end of the world … I think it is the best place to be …

I’m so sorry, it must be really far from you and the air-ticket would probably cost you a fortune (there are hardly any low costs available, unless some regional companies), but you gotta see Cape Town! I would live there if I had a chance ….. it is simply too beautiful to need anything on top of what this place already has to offer…. well, maybe a warmer water temperature, that’s all!

Cape Town has one of the most beautiful waterfronts in the world. No wonder a Middle Eastern sheik has bought it. Wine, music, stake, seafood, all fresh, best quality – you will crave for the V&A Waterfront atmosphere  for a long time thereafter!

September, that is the spring time in this part of the world, that is when all those crazy colors cover the area. Many of the local flora are unique in the whole world, such as the protea.


Camps Bay Beach is the trendy place in Cape Town. It is simply too good to be affordable :)). A beautiful view will always have a high price on it. However there is room for everybody, it is a very relaxed area, with bars and restaurants, promenades and awesome views wherever you look around you. No wonder your neck would hurt afterwards :))


My love for seals started in Cape Town. These playful creatures are full of grace, dancing and rolling in the water, trying to make friends with you. They would disappear quickly in the water, but would burst back unexpectedly from another side!


I liked this statue, it looked so South African to me.

Camps Bay turquoise water will make you wanna go for a swim, but not after you have touched the first wave and froze right there! Southern Atlantic is mostly cold, even when it’s burning hot outside. People say you can get used to it after a while.

Btw, it’s a myth that two oceans meet in Cape Town, they actually meet somewhere further south, at Cape L’Agulhas. There’s no specific point on the map, but rather a more extended area where both flora and fauna of these two oceans, as well as the ocean currents  start to differ. The Atlantic is cold, whereas the Indian Ocean is much warmer.

The cloud is watching you! It trickles down the hills like a serpent, covering the Table Mountain like a tablecloth, then it slowly draws back to the top of the mountains. Yeh, yeh, all mister mysterious, attracting fairy-tellers  and new age fellows, but in fact it’s a combination of air mass and water. Ah, I wish I had some floating abilities 🙂 I wanna bounce into the cloud!

Trekking the Table Mountain will give you a full package of sensations. First of all you will experience summer and winter interchanging all the time, take some warm cloths or at least something to protect you from the wind. Once up there, it really feels like on top of the world! Check those adventure stores at the waterfront, they might have some wicked offers, at least paragliding…


There are different paths and ways to hike, starting from 2 hrs just to get on top of the mountain, till as long as your feet would hold you. There is always the cable card you can take, but trekking is much more fun. The path might disappear in the dense cloud, sometimes you won’t see further than a dozen of meters in front of you. Up there you feel like the earth is moving together with the clouds!

Lion’s Head is not very attractive as seen from the Table Mountain, but it is worth a hike, as it offers sublime views all over the city, the mountain and the Robben Island …. On a  clear day you can see the South Pole ….. No, I’m joking 🙂

Take your time at the Table Mountain!

A view from the Lion’s Head, awarded with several rainbows!


The famous Robben island, where Nelson Mandela spent 18 years of his life. There is a very nice ferry tour to the island, from where you could have amazing views on the Table Mountain as well.

South Africans are one of the kind, it’s adorable to hear that accent, it’s good to hang out with them, it just feels relaxed and natural! And you might find out a lot about them from this guy!

Some 15 years ago the country was still under the ugly Apartheid regime, but it all changed slowly in a better direction.


Kirstenbosch, Cape Town Botanical Garden

The springs in the botanical garden gain their color from the roots of the trees, it’s not iron, it is organic decomposition!



I miss Cape Town a lot. It is one of the most beautiful places I have visited. That’s where I have discovered this talented musician, Pete Tombstone, who performed at the Obviouzly Armchair in the Observatory quarter …. his hair was much longer by then 🙂 …. and Armchair’s is a great pub for music and stand up comedy.

Send me some love from Cape Town, if ever there … it has been a while since I have last seen it!