Winter brings the swans and makes natural “ice rings” at Prut river. Prut  flows from Carpathian mountains right into Danube river, partially delimiting state borders between Ukraine, Romania and Moldova.

In winter the river freezes almost entirely, due to temperatures far below zero. But we are used to it in Ukraine.

Sometimes you can spot swans near the pools which manage to remain unfrozen. If you want to approach, you have to be very discrete, otherwise you may scare the birds away ….which is what I did…..

But there is another day and we will be trying our luck to find the swans again.

On the way there are some cute old house in the neighborhoods of the river.

The river looks dead frozen, we have to get to the open water pools…

The boat, which is used to cross the river in summer, is hibernating in the meantime…

…. so is the frozen nature….


And here we go, the swans and wild ducks in the sky!

After a couple of days of frosty weather the ice gets tick enough for skating…

And then the ice is melting, preparing for spring…

Ice coating on the trees …

Ostrytsya, Chernivets’ka oblast, Ukraine