Up there, there is no weather, it is always sunny!

Sometimes you can have the moon in one window and the rising sun right in the opposite window.

A river somewhere in the southern Africa.

A view over Greenland



A view over the North Pole ……. I tried to spot a polar bear drinking Coca Cola 😛 …… or just a polar bear ……. I don’t know where they are now with this climate change.



A view over the Red Sea and the coast of Sudan. Sudan has huge potential to become another exotic resort destination. The Red Sea shore is splendid!


Ethiopia is full of dramatic landscapes.

A view over Sudan again




A view over the Himalayas

A view over Accra, the capital of Ghana

A view over Male, the capital of Maldives, and other islands

You can walk around Male in 45 minutes! However, the population of this tiny capital is over 100 000 ppl (I have never seen more motorbikes on a squared km, but more about this in my next post).

While flying over southern Africa you can see a lot of great views. One of them is the smoke from Victoria Falls, which rises high above the waterfalls. Kilimanjaro is another great place, covered with clouds, which you can see sometimes from the plane.

A view over the Dead Sea, the lowest place on Earth.

A view over Himalayas

A view somewhere over North America


A view over an active volcano in Indonesia and a coast in North America


A view over the Maldives