Japan is the country where everybody wants to go to and I, on my turn, have been waiting for a long time to land there too. I did not expect it to be as humid as Kuala Lumpur, but it was, nevertheless. Summer humidity and pouring rains can be annoying in Japan, but your curiosity regarding this country will be just bigger. We all admire their culture, their discipline and their inventions. Made in Japan will always sell as qualitative. Being a Japanese on the other hand means working your ass off to get that made and they didn’t stop working yet (overtime is not paid btw, but it is expected to go without saying). Some particularities of their culture would be weird but fascinating at the same time, like the synchronized walking competitions. I love it! I wish people would be capable to work in teams like the Japanese! They are smart at doing business … and I’m glad that as much as being D businessmen, they still eat homemade food instead of fast food even when running out of time. Let’s take you on a summer day tour in Kyoto, a short rail ride from Osaka! The Japanese are all on the snooze mode while taking the train, but they never miss their stop!

The Imperial Garden Palace in Kyoto has a lot to show! Start discovering!

I hope one day you would spot the lucky taxi in Kyoto. It does exist and it should have 4 leaves :))

The Heian Shrine is another attraction in Kyoto.

If you like fortune telling, try Omikuji at the Heian Shrine.

Heian Shrine Torii Gate, Kyoto


The Gion Festival in July is a great occasion to see the ladies and young men dressed in kimonos.



Japan is a small country, but crowded. Its own people are already numerous, but given the interest expressed from the foreigners, I think Japan needs to ask for a break to breath. Uh!



Japanese care about their looks and style – it’s part of their culture. The ladies always look like fresh out of the saloon, everything is perfectly looked after, from nails to toes!




The Kiyomizu-dera in Kyoto is a must see. That’s the tourist spot in town, but it’s worth being part of the crowd!



This is the cemetery near Kiyomizu temple in Kyoto.



Back to Osaka!

Japan is still a mystery in many ways! But at the end of the day we are all human and we all need our vacations ….. while still young! Don’t postpone your trip to Japan to your retirement ….. and you, fellow Japanese, tell your boss to give you a break and book you a paid vacation around the world as part of your contract! You deserve it NOW, not in 30-years time!